Thursday, 21 April 2011


1. Water is the best option to quench thirst.
It is a key ingredient in keeping the body cool. With high humidity levels, sweat will not evaporate quickly. This prevents the body from releasing heat in an efficient manner. This is why it is necessary to hydrate and drink water, even when you are not thirsty. Increase water intake regardless of your activity levels.
2. Avoid caffeinated or carbonated beverages, alcoholic beverages, and those high in sugar.
All these drinks contain preservatives, colours and sugars. They are acidic in nature and act as diuretics. They cause loss of fluids through urine.
Many soft drinks contain diluted phosphoric acid, which damages the inner linning of the digestive tract and, therefore, affects its functions.
An excessive intake of soft drinks increases phosphorous levels in the blood. This separates calcium from the bones and moves it into the blood.
This calcium displacement from the bones makes them porous and brittle. It also causes plaque on the teeth, kidney stones, arthritis and bone spur.
Soft drinks also reduce mineral levels in the body to such an extent that enzymes are unable to function well, resulting in indigestion.
3. Do not drink very chilled liquids.
They do not really help cool you down in summers, though they make you cool for some time. Drinking really cold liquids when feeling hot may lead to a slight constriction of the blood vessels in the skin and decrease heat loss, which is not advisable when trying to cool down.
4. Limit all strenuous activity.
5. Eat light, nutritious and non-fatty meals.
6. Reduce intake of heaty vegetables and fruits, like spinach, radish, hot peppers, onions, garlic, beetroot, pineapple, grapefruit and ripe mangoes (if you cannot resist mangoes, soak them overnight in water).
7. Minimise the intake of dried fruits. Increase the intake of fresh fruit.
8. Use sabza (tulsi seeds) in your drinks -- this has very cooling effect on the body.
9. Include lots of fruits and vegetables in the form of salads and fresh juices, preferably without sugar, in your diet.
10. Drink lemon juice, coconut water and thin buttermilk, to replenish the fluids that are lost in sweat.
11. Avoid sugary foods, especially honey and molasses, and stick to natural sugars available from fruits and veggies.
12. Minimise the intake of hot, spicy foods and extremely salty foods. The body retains salt in the organic form found in fruits and veggies; the inorganic salt, meanwhile, is digested and needs to be thrown out of the body. And this is why you need to drink water!
13. Cut the intake of fried foods, like vadas, samosas, chips, bhajias, farsans, etc. Fat has a thermal effect.
14. Maintain good hygiene levels.
Since the sultry heat of summer increases with each degree rise in the mercury, by rooting ourselves to nature's provision of healthful food choices we can experience the bloom of our health and vitality.

Summer Care - Beat the heat with Fruit Juices

Try out juices of grapes, watermelon, banana, jack fruit, lemon and pineapple during summer. Consumption of fruits and juices reduces body heat and benefits in controlling body temperature.

SUMMER is one of the six seasons of the year. Every two months will make a season or Ritu. Summer is in between the 16th May to 15th July. The strength of the body will be lost during this period. People feel tired and exhausted during the season due to extensive heat rays of the sun, the watery portion (or Kapha) of the body of people, animals, plants, foods and the entire environment will become dry and the vata will become more in the body and the atmosphere. The skin will become dry and may precipitate skin diseases as eczema..

What to Drink and Eat: One must drink the juices of grapes, watermelon, banana, jack fruit, lemon and pineapple. This is to say foods and juices of sweet and cold and easily digestible must be consumed. The preparations of sugar, barely/green gram, sharbats, buttermilk with sugar candy are to be used daily to cool the body. One must take the food of white rice with meat soup of meat of animals reared in cold areas.

The juices of dry grapes, cucumber, kharjura with Dalchini, Cardamom must be drunk along with pure cold water kept in a pot or a freezer or these must be kept at night in moon light and used along with buffalo's milk. Water with parijatha flowers and usheera can also be used for drinking.

- One must not take foods of pungent, sour, dry and salty foods. Foods of rice with milk, sugar candy, butter milk, lassie are good for good health. Ghee can be used.

- Coffee and tea are not all good as they stimulate the central nervous system. Taking them on empty stomach is harmful as they mix with acid and circulated all over the body producing several diseases.

- Alcohol is a hot drink and must not be used druing this season, either avoid it or drink it with plenty of water.


One must spend time in a place surrounded by water and green trees, or mountains, with the family and children. Must sleep during day. Swimming is also advisable in a pond, lake or river. Stay exposed to moon's rays at night. Should wear light cotton clothes. Must have minimum coitus during this period.

Wear Pearls and flower garlands. Body must be anointed with sandal and usheera paste which cools the body. Cold-water bath is good for the body. Exercise must be limited. Avoid exposure to sun's rays especially during peak hot time.

Man is a microcosm of the universe that is macrocosm. Man is made up of Panchamahabutas in mini form and the universe is made up of Panchamahabutas in mega form.

Any changes in the environment of nature will have deleterious effects on the health of people. So one must adjust and adopt measures suitable for the particular season for maintaining good health.

In this season satvic type of foods is advocated to promote and to preserve good health.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

How to Hypnotize Anyone to Do Fun Stuff With Them

Have you ever wondered how to hypnotize someone? Your mates, family or randoms. Making someone do some funny stuff with hypnosis? Well now YOU can!


  1. 1
    Find a comfortable position that you can sit in for a while. It's better that you sit, because if you lie down you will most likely fall asleep. Be sure that you are willing to be hypnotised. Do you understand the rules of hypnosis and what it is? If you don’t, this will explain it. Hypnosis is a relaxed state of mind in which you are open to suggestion. When you are in this state, you want to please your hypnotist remembering that you cannot be made to do anything you don’t want or normally wouldn’t do. Hypnosis is only good and helps the body and mind to focus. When you are hypnotised, remember that you cannot fall over, you will always be sitting down or standing upright by yourself.

  2. 2
    Speak to your subject in a low, well-modulated tone: Could you please stare at this spiral. Put all of your attention and focus into this spiral. As you stare at this spiral, you will notice that your eyes are getting heavy, heavy, heavy. Getting heavier and sorer, maybe a bit blurry. Getting heavier and heavier, as heavy as as you can imagine. You feel that you need to close your eyes but you don’t just yet. They’re heavy and sore. Just stare at that dot. The next time you blink, use that as a signal to close your eyes. When that happens, please imagine your eyelids melting down through your face right down to your toes. A flowing sensation of warmth and comfort.

  3. 3
    Repeat step 2: This time, ask them to open their eyes at the start and to leave them closed at the end.
  4. 4
    Continue addressing your subject, keeping your voice calm and neutral: Now could you take 5 deep breaths. Inhaling in through your nose, hold it for a few seconds then out through your mouth. Each time you exhale, you will become twice as relaxed. More and more relaxed, feeling comfortable and warm. Doing great.
  5. 5
    Continue by instructing your subject: Now to relax all of your body. Tense up the part of your body being worked on, then relax it, letting all your aches and pains, any strains from the day, just float away. Starting with your scalp, making your way through your body down to your toes. Start this now… Once you have finished, take a quick sweep through your body scanning for anymore pain or tightness you may have overlooked, and just let it all go.
  6. 6
    Moving on: Now could you please focus your attention on your right arm. Imagine it becoming heavy, it's becoming heavy, heavy and heavier. With every second, feel it sinking down. A part of you knows you could lift it if you really tried but you just don’t, it's just too much effort, it’s just too heavy.
  7. 7
    Continue: Now focus your attention on your left arm. Imagine it becoming heavy, it's becoming heavy, heavy and heavier. With every second, feel it sinking down. A part of you knows you could lift it if you really tried but you just don’t, it's just too much effort, it’s just too heavy.
  8. 8
    Move your focus now: Now focus your attention on your left leg. Imagine it becoming heavy, it's becoming heavy, heavy and heavier. With every second, feel it sinking down into the floor. A part of you knows you could lift it if you really tried but you just don’t, its just too much effort, it’s just too heavy. Now your right leg. Imagine it becoming heavy, it's becoming heavy, heavy and heavier. With every second, feel it sinking down into the floor. A part of you knows you could lift it if you really tried but you just don’t, it's just too much effort, it’s just too heavy. You feel as if your legs could not support your body if you tried to stand.
  9. 9
    Speak to your subject: Now please picture in your mind a spiral staircase. You are standing at the top of them. Start walking down them. With every step, you will get more and more relaxed. Deeper into a state of hypnosis. Deeper and deeper into relaxation with every step. Just keep walking down, more and more relaxed as you progress, down deeper into relaxation. When you reach the end, you will see a door but don’t open it yet. Just picture the door in your mind. Picture its texture, its colour, the doorknob and everything. When you touch the doorknob, use that as a signal to increase by ten times your relaxation. Feel the sensation run through your body.
  10. 10
    Continue: Now open the door and enter the room. When you are inside, could you to close the door and lock it to insure your hypnosis journey isn’t disturbed. Now turn and look into the room. Arrange the room however you like: whether it's full of pillows or candy floss, whatever takes your fancy, whatever floats your boat. Once you’ve done this process, take a seat anywhere in the room. Anywhere you feel comfortable. Feeling great, feeling warm.
  11. 11
    Continue: Now as the wrist of your arm is picked up it should be loose, as loose as you can get it. Good, excellent, well done and congratulations. Now when it comes back down and when it reaches the surface you will double your relaxation. The same to your other arm, doubling your relaxation once again
  12. 12
    Continue: Every time you feel a tap you on your back, your relaxation will double. Tap (wait a few seconds) tap.tap.tap.tap you're doing well, you're doing great, tap.tap.tap.tap.tap.
  13. 13
    Continue: Now counting to ten, every number you hear, you will become more and more relaxed. 1,2,3,4,5, your doing well, 6,7,8,9,10. (After you say ten, your patient should be in a deep state of hypnosis. A good way to deepen this state is to wake them up and put them back to sleep many times. To wake them up say the words in the next step)
  14. 14
    Waking up and rapidly putting the person back under: As you hear the number one to three to 3, when you hear three, you will be wide-awake 123 wide awake! (Putting them back to sleep is called a rapid induction. A common one used is the 11 fingers trick.) Please hold your hands open out in front of you. you and your hypnotist are now going to count your fingers, count , 1,2,3,4,5,(when you get to the 6th finger call it 7) 7,8,9,10, 11. 11 fingers, aye? Now give them a quick tug on their wrist and push them back a little. Say sleep really suddenly as you tug their wrist. They shouldn’t fall but catch them if they do. Every time they are put back to sleep, tell them that they have 10 fingers and having 11 fingers is absurd. Repeat the 11 fingers trick several times. Now they are in a very deep state of hypnosis, you can have some fun with them. There are many things you can do involving the patient's taste, sight, hearing, touch and smell. Experiment; do as many as you please, from hypnotizing them to acting like a chicken to making them want to pick their nose, anything that is funny and entertaining, but remember - you still want to be friends with your subject when finished, so don't get too crazy. (unless you are hypnotizing your enemy - in which case, you can be as embarassing as you wish and make them say something like, "You are the coolest and I am the biggest loser ever. I act like a chicken and pick my nose.")
  15. 15
    Waking to end the hypnotic state: This step is how to bring a person out of hypnosis when you're done. Make sure the patient is asleep and then begin: Now you are going to be brought out of a state of hypnosis. Now get up from where you are sitting. Walk over to the door, unlock the door and exit the room. Now start walking up the spiral staircase. The higher and higher you get with every step, you will become more awake, more alert of your body, your joints, the smells in the area, the sounds, more awake, more alert, coming out of hypnosis. When you reach the step before the top, stop. Now when you hear the instruction to take the last step, you will feel refreshed and wide wake completely conscious and out of hypnosis. Take the step NOW!


  • Everyone needs a different difficulty to hypnotize some take very little to be in a solid state others may need along time.
  • A good way to tell how easy a person is to be hypnotized is to see how far they can roll their eyes back into their heads. The further the easier.
  • Never try to hurriedly a step, just give them plenty of time.
  • Choose someone that trusts you.
  • Keep a gentle tone.
  • Don't be nervous.
  • Hypnotism is like being in a dream.
  • People won't get superpowers when they are hypnotized!
  • Have fun!
  • Remember this was made over time and should work every time if used word by word.
  • Repeat words like "heavy" and "tired" a lot.


  • Don't ask a person to do something that they can't do! (i.e. If they are nursing an injury to their leg, don't ask them to do jumping jacks)

Friday, 8 April 2011


In fact, there are several great ways to workout at home, such as laundry lifts and stair climbing.
Always check with your doctor before starting an exercise program.
You can get the same benefits at home as you would in a steperobics class at the gym. If you have a staircase in your home, you can get a great exercise by simply climbing the stairs. To start, stand at the bottom of the stairs and walk in place for about one minute to get your leg muscles warmed up. Next, step up onto the first stair, and then back down. Repeat this move on the first stair only ten times. Walk in place for fifteen seconds. Next, walk up the first two stairs, and then back down, then walk up one stair and back down. Repeat ten times. Then go up three stairs, come down, walk up two stairs, come down, and walk up one stair and come down. Repeat ten times. Continue the pattern up ten stairs. You will definitely feel the burn by the end of this step routine. I don't recommend going up more than ten stairs because it will get tricky to walk back down after that point. If you feel winded or dizzy, start slow. Stick with the first three stairs, and gradually build up your endurance over the weeks and months to come.

You can work out your thigh and gluteus muscles by using your couch as a piece of exercise equipment. Stand up facing the couch, with one of the couch arms in front of you. Bend forward, supporting your weight on the arm of the couch. Keep your head down so that you do not put stress on your neck muscles. Kick your right leg back, so that the bottom of your foot is parallel to the ceiling, and then bring it back down. When you are doing the exercise properly, you should feel it in your thigh and butt. Do fifteen repetitions on your right leg, and then repeat with your left leg. Continue switching back and forth between your legs until you feel like you have to stop. You will get results after a few weeks of this "uplifting" workout.
A laundry basket full of clothes can be more than a household chore - it can be an arm sculpting piece of exercise apparatus! Hold the basket above you head, and lift upwards and back down. Do at least three repetitions of fifteen lifts each. If it is too heavy for you, all you have to do is take out some clothes. This exercise will work your shoulders, upper arms, and upper back muscles. Vary this workout by laying flat on your back, and lifting the basket up and down from your chest.
There are some excellent workout videos on the market today that can get you into tip top shape. The 8-minute video series has editions for the arms, back, butt, thighs, and more. Tae Bo, which features the fat-blasting and energizing moves of host Billy Blanks, is a great home workout option, and there are many videos in his series to choose from, including a beginner's video. Visit your local video rental store, and check out their collection of exercise video rentals. This way, you can try out workouts before you buy a video, and you can get a diversified workout.
If you are a devout couch potato, and you love vegging-out in front of the television, then commercial break exercise bursts are right for you. While you are watching, do some curls with five or ten pound weights. When a commercial comes on, get up for a burst of intense exercise. Do some sit-ups, push-ups, jumping jacks, or crunches. Get your heart rate up. When the show comes back on, you can go back to the light exercise. Continue the cycle throughout your shows"¦ every little bit counts! You will hardly realize that you are getting a workout.
You don't need an expensive membership to a fitness club or a personal trainer to get some killer abdominal muscles. Crunch routines can easily be done from the comfort of your own living room. If you have problems with neck pain when you do crunches, you might opt to invest in an "ab roller" machine because they cushion your head and neck. If you are doing crunches correctly, your neck should not be strained, but many people have a hard time getting them right, so the head cushion is helpful. Start with some isometrics. Take a five-second count to come up, and five seconds back down. Do five reps. You will feel the burn. Next, do three reps of fifteen crunches at a normal pace. Next, you will turn onto your side, with your upper back and shoulders still facing upward. Do the same workout that you did for the standard crunches (isometric, then at a regular pace) on both of your sides. This will work your oblique muscles, also known as love handles.
If you have an office chair with wheels (a swivel chair), then you can do some arm workouts right at your desk. Just hold onto the edge of your desk while you are seated in the chair, and use your arm muscles to pull yourself close to the desk, and then push yourself back away. This will work your biceps.
Life is busy, so try to multi-task if you don't have time to fit in a proper work out. When you are stuck in front of the sink doing dishes, march in place. You can also try some calf exercises: just lift yourself up and down on your tiptoes. You should try to incorporate exercise into your daily tasks whenever possible.
If you can afford to get just one piece of workout equipment for your home gym, it should be a treadmill. Walking and jogging on a treadmill will give you an excellent cardiovascular workout. Try to get in a minimum of thirty minutes a day. Experiment with different speeds and inclines.
Dancing is a great way to burn off pounds, and it also great fun. Turn on some off your favorites tunes with a fast and energetic beat, and break it down. It doesn't matter what you look like - all that matters is that you are burning calories, and loving every minute of it.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

How to Stay Safe in the Sun

Sunburns are quite painful
Excessive sun exposure can cause sunburn, skin damage, skin cancer(the most common form of cancer), cataracts, and heat stroke. Not to mention getting an embarrassing farmer's tan! Take the right precautions to avoid these hazards and enjoy the sun safely. Also wear the right factor of sun cream to ensure safer for longer!


  1. 1
    Select an appropriate sunscreen.
    • Remember that SPF is not an indication of sunscreen strength
      Check your sunscreens SPF. The SPF, or "sun protection factor" number, contrary to popular belief, does not signify how strong the SPF is. It tells you how long it will keep you protected (theoretically). For example: it is in how many minutes you burn x the number that tells you how long it should last (even though you should reapply often, say every few hours, or more often if you burn easily). So if you burn in 10 minutes of sun exposure without any protection, SPF 30 will keep you protected for 300 minutes (in theory!).
    • Keep in mind that SPF is not cumulative. Applying one SPF 15 sunscreen and another SPF 20 sunscreen may give you slightly better coverage, but it does not add up to SPF 35.
  2. 2
    Look for both UVA and UVB coverage. This means that the sunscreen will block both kinds of damaging ultraviolet light.
  3. 3
    Look for a PABA-free sunscreen. Para-aminobenzoic acid, or PABA, was used in sunscreens for a long time, but it can stain clothing and cause an allergic reaction in some people.
  4. 4
    Waterproof it up
     Waterproof it up
    Choose a water-resistant sunscreen, if you will be swimming or sweating. No sunscreen is truly waterproof, so you should reapply the sunscreen frequently, according to package instructions.
  5. 5
    Choose a sunscreen that suits you. Some daily sunscreens aren't as gooey or smelly as some of the heavy-duty outdoor sport formulations. Some sunscreens come in spray-on, roll-on, and stick formats. Some sunscreens come with built-in insect repellent. Some even temporarily turn your skin a different color! If you dislike wearing it so much that you don't, it will do you no good. Wearing sunscreen need not be unpleasant, so smell and try different sunscreen brands and styles to find the one(s) that are best suited for you.
    • The word "sunblock" is a misnomer. Sunscreen slows the effects of the sun on skin by absorbing, reflecting, and scattering UV rays, but it doesn't “block” (or stop) them.
  6. 6
    Apply plenty of sunscreen.
     Apply plenty of sunscreen.
    Apply the sunscreen generously. If you're using a cream, the amount of sunscreen you should use is about the size of a regular golf-ball, or 1 oz.
  7. 7
    Start ahead of time. Ideally, begin applying sunscreen at least a half hour before you go out.
    • It takes approximately 20 minutes for sunscreen to become effective after it has been applied.
  8. 8
    Use more than you think you need. Most people do not use enough sunscreen, stopping at somewhere between one-fourth and one-half the quantity applied to test sunscreens.
  9. 9
    Don't just grease it on. Put a little on and rub it in. Then do it again and again, until you have a deep, penetrating layer of sunscreen. Do it right and you won't notice it at all and it will truly protect.
  10. 10
    Don't miss a spot!
     Don't miss a spot!
    Be thorough. Put it on the most vulnerable areas: the entire face and forehead, especially the nose and tips of ears, back of the neck, backs of knees, and arms. Make sure to cover all skin that will be exposed. Don't forget the tops of feet, if you're wearing sandals - sunburned feet can be very sore! Have a friend help with hard-to-reach spots like backs and shoulders.
  11. 11
    Keep your sunscreen relatively fresh. Expired sunscreen may not be as effective as recently-purchased sunscreen, but in general, any sunscreen is better than no sunscreen. If there's no expiration date, try it and see if it still works, or replace anything older than about three years.
  12. 12
    A wide-brimmed hat.
     A wide-brimmed hat.
    Cover up. Light layers of clothing work best, in light colors which reflect heat, rather than dark ones, which absorb it. Try a shell or tank top, and then wear a light camp shirt open over that. Natural fibers like cotton are coolest.
  13. 13
    Wear the right hat. Choose a hat with at least a 3-inch (8 cm) brim all around. A hat will also help to keep you cool. Baseball caps leave the ears and neck exposed, so they're not the best choice for sun protection. A hat will also help to protect your eyes from glare.
  14. 14
    Wear light-colored, loose fitting clothing. It will keep you cooler and help prevent sunburn by reflecting the sunlight. Be aware, though, that clothing may not block sunlight completely. In fact, an ordinary t-shirt may only be the equivalent of SPF 5. Look for clothing designed to block sun, even up to SPF 50, if you spend a lot of time outdoors.
  15. 15
    They do more than look cool.
     They do more than look cool.
    Wear sunglasses. Choose sunglasses that block UV light and wrap around to block light from the side, too. If you're not sure whether your old sunglasses adequately block UV, ask an optometrist to have them checked. Long term exposure to UV light can lead to cataracts. Wear sunglasses in conjunction with a hat.
  16. 16
    Drink plenty of water.
     Drink plenty of water.
    Stay hydrated. Water is the best choice. If you'll be exercising heavily, a sports drink can help to replace electrolytes. Drink in proportion to how much you perspire, but remember that too much too quickly can harm you. It's best to take frequent, moderate portions. Too much sugar, as in soda, can undermine the benefits of the liquid, and alcohol can dehydrate you outright.
  17. 17
    Relax in the shade.
     Relax in the shade.
    Stay out of the sun. Especially between 10am and 4pm, stay out of the sun as much as possible. Finding a spot in the shade, carrying an umbrella or parasol, and scheduling outdoor activities to avoid those hours can help to minimize exposure.
  18. 18
    A one-armed trucker's tan.
     A one-armed trucker's tan.
    Limit your total time in the sun. Roll up car windows and run the air conditioning rather than dangling your arm out the window. Glass blocks UV light reasonably well.
  19. 19
    Keep cool. If you have heavy physical activity to perform outside, try to do it in the morning or evening, not the heat of midday. Choose a shady spot to sit. Sip a cool drink. Take a swim.
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